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Welcome to Jordaan's Run for CF Campaign

Jordaan Houston

Jordaan Houston

In January 2025, I am running the Disney Marathon to support the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. I invite you to support me in reaching my goal of raising $1800 before November 2024. Your donation will allow me to run and help fund Cystic Fibrosis research and care. 

Cystic fibrosis is a progressive genetic disease that affects the lungs, pancreas, and other organs. There are close to 40,000 children and adults living with cystic fibrosis in the United States. Today, because of improved medical treatments and care, more than half of people with CF are age 18 or older. Many people with CF can expect to live healthy, fulfilling lives into their 30s, 40s, and beyond. 

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has dramatically improved cystic fibrosis research and care. Because of the Foundation, people with CF are living longer and healthier lives, and their outlook on CF continues to improve year after year.

Thank you in advance for your support and participation this evening. You are helping to make a difference for people living with CF!

Best - Jordaan


raised of $1,750 goal

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